Subota, 20 Aprila

These habits will preserve the health of your kidneys

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High blood pressure, diabetes and hereditary tendency to nephrotoxic diseases increase the risk of kidney disease. And without these risk factors, kidney health may be endangered by infections, inadequate fluid intake, consumption of salty food, but also by using some medicines and nutritional supplements.

How much water

To keep your kidgy healthy, try to comply with certain rules:

Put enough liquid, best common water, but do not overdo it, reports Avaz. Nephroloses say that, contrary to the common belief, no studies have shown that increased water intake is effective in improving kidney function. Although it is always good to drink enough water, more than the usual six to eight glasses daily will most likely not help the kidneys to work better.

Eat healthy food. Kidneys can tolerate a wide range of eating habits, but most kidney problems arise as a result of other health problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes. So try to get the habits of eating healthy and moderate to keep weight and blood pressure under control. Preventing diabetes and high blood pressure will help the kidneys stay in good shape.
Practice regularly. If you are healthy, exercise is good because, like a healthy diet, regular physical activity can prevent mastitis and hypertension. However, keep in mind how much you exercise, especially if you do not have the condition. If you overflow when you are not healthy and in shape, it can be tiring for the kidneys.

Dotok of blood

Be careful with the use of supplements and herbal extracts. Excessive use of vitamin supplements and certain herbal extracts may be harmful to the kidneys.
Stop smoking. Smoking may damage the blood vessels, which reduces blood flow to the kidneys, which can not function at the optimum level. Smoking increases the risk of high blood pressure as well as kidney cancer .

Careful with prescription drugs

Do not exaggerate with prescription medicines. Non-prescription tablets, such as “ibuprofen” and others, can cause kidney damage if taken regularly over a longer period of time. If you have healthy kidneys and occasionally use painkillers, they probably do not pose a risk.

But if you drink them against chronic pain or arthritis, you should talk to your doctor about following what happens to your b intercourse.

Regular controls

If you are in a risk group, go to regular kidney exams. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, your physician should, as part of routine control, check if the kidneys are working normally.

Observe the symptoms

When the kidneys become overloaded with toxins, kidney and bladder can develop. Men usually have a higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease than women.

Here are some signs and symptoms of kidney disease:

More frequent urination or urinary tract problems.
Pain in the lower back.
Pain or burning during urination.
Edema (called water retention) in the lungs, feet, abdomen, etc.
Swelling around the face, eyes, feet and ankles.
Blood in the urine.

If the kidneys are neat, they do not require special care. Healthy, balanced nutrition and adequate water intake are enough to maintain kidney health.


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